Beats, Textures, Rhythms & Colors…

42nd Avenue is the assembly name for most sound related projects done by Thijs Bremmers.

A ‘42nd Avenue’ doesn’t exist in real life. It’s not something you can touch or go to, yet the idea can float somewhere in our imaginations making it all the more real. Coming from techno, having moved through bass-oriented styles & downtempo the 42nd project mainly focusses on the dance floor while allowing myself to drift between multiple genres & styles. Music is about trance, appeasement & thorough connection between body & mind. Roll with me…

‘Besides the aspirations as a DJ my interests range from theater-related projects to installation art. Experiments with multispeaker installations have passed the review and are up for future in depth projects. Ranging from solo projects to more multidisciplinary efforts I try to push my boundaries as musician/sound designer. I tend to diversify between projects that are close to my personal interests sound-wise to projects that speak to me in a way, even though the initial concept requires me to create something outside of my usual portfolio. In the past I’ve worked together with wide range of artists including: directors, actors, programmers, visual/AV artists, fine-art students, Instrumentalists, etc.


Sound Design & Composition